ESO/Fission Patterson Lake South JV Reports High Grade Boulders Up to 39.6% U3O8

Company News

ESO Uranium Corp. (CVE:ESO) and its joint partner, Fission Energy Corp (CVE:FIS) report results from its boulder prospecting and radon survey program.

ESO Uranium Corp. (TSXV:ESO) and its joint partner, Fission EnergyCorp(TSXV:FIS) report results from its boulder prospecting and radon survey program.

The press release is quoted as saying:

Highlights of the results are as follows:

  • Twenty-five (25) high grade boulders with grades over 10% U3O8 are reported with highest grade assaying at 39.6 % U3O8 from a cobble 5 X 4 X 4 cm. The largest boulder sampled assayed 25.7%
  • U308 and was > 40 cm in its longest dimension from a partially recovered block at depth of 90 cm.
    Twenty-three (23) boulders assayed between 1.0% U308 to 10% U3O8.

A complete summary of the uranium assays, boulder sizes and sample depths and a location map can be found on the Company’s website:

ESO Uranium’s Project Manager, Garrett Ainsworth says:

” We are taking advantage of two additional tools in the search for the source of the uranium, the first is the general relationship of the distance of such uranium boulder fields from source indicated in similar glaciated areas such as the Cluff Lake mine. We also found in earlier studies there that the dimensions of the boulder fields and the uranium grades appear to reflect the size and grade of the original source(s). The second tool has been the use of radon gas surveys. Radon is a radioactive gas, only produced by the natural decay of uranium, that will diffuse through permeable rocks and soils to the surface above. This is the closest to a direct measurement of a buried uranium target that we have. Radon is very soluble in water and movement of an aquifer over the origin of the radon can displace it from the source area further than the vertical flux rates in unsaturated soils. This is another challenge that can be resolved with drilling and a knowledge of local hydrology”

Click here to access the entire news release.

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