Africa Oil Reports on Somalian Drilling

Oil and Gas Investing

Africa Oil Corp. (TSXV:AOI) announced an update on its drilling in Puntland, Somalia, commenting that results from its Shabeel well seem to confirm oil-bearing sands in two zones.

Africa Oil Corp. (TSXV:AOI) announced an update on its drilling in Puntland, Somalia, commenting that results from its Shabeel well seem to confirm oil-bearing sands in two zones.

As quoted in the press release:

The Shabeel well has reached a total depth of 3,470 meters and has encountered metamorphic basement at a depth of 3,430 meters and is currently being suspended for future testing. In addition to the previously announced 12 to 20 meter zone of significant hydrocarbon pay in the Upper Cretaceous Jesomma Formation, the well has encountered additional potential net pay sands in the Jurassic Adigrat Formation at a depth of 3,246 to 3,430 meters, several of which exhibited oil and gas shows.

Click here to read the full Africa Oil Corp. (TSXV:AOI) press release.

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