Happy Creek Trenching Results: Positive Copper, Gold and Silver Values

Company News

Happy Creek Minerals Ltd. (TSXV:HPY) announced results from trenching on its Hawk copper-gold property, in south central BC, Canada. The positive copper-gold values in the bedrock from new areas confirmed and expanded the known mineralization area, and results provided several drill targets.

Happy Creek Minerals Ltd. (TSXV:HPY) announced results from trenching on its Hawk copper-gold property, in south central BC, Canada. The positive copper-gold values in the bedrock from new areas confirmed and expanded the known mineralization area, and results provided several drill targets.

As quoted in the press release:

During 2012, the Company completed 12 short machine trenches to collect samples of mineralized bedrock from several areas of the Hawk property. Trenching has located the outcrop source of mineralized surface boulders and poorly-exposed subcrop. Positive copper, gold and silver values were obtained from grab samples that range in width from 0.30 to 0.5 metres in all trenches but one. The machine-dug exposures also provide more geological information such as fracture density, orientation, textures and control of the mineralized zones. The positive copper-gold values in the bedrock from new areas confirm and expand the known mineralized footprint, and results provide several compelling drill targets.

David Blann, President of Happy Creek states:

The Hawk property contains geological characteristics of an alkalic copper-gold system, a type well represented in the region with mines located to the north and south. Machine trenching was successful in locating the source of mineralized surface boulders and poorly exposed subcrop. Results have expanded the mineralized footprint and confirmed the gold-rich nature of the system. We believe that a thorough drill program is the next step.

Click here to read the Happy Creek Minerals (TSXV:HPY) press release
Click here to see the Happy Creek Minerals (TSXV:HPY) profile

The Conversation (2)
Charlotte McLeod
Charlotte McLeod
14 Jul, 2014
Hi David, Thank you for pointing that out. The article has been updated accordingly. Charlotte McLeod Assistant Editor
Charlotte McLeod
Charlotte McLeod
14 Jul, 2014
Hi David, Thank you for pointing that out. The article has been updated accordingly. Charlotte McLeod Assistant Editor