EMC Metals’ Offer to Jervois Mining for Nyngan Scandium Project Expires

Company News

EMC Metals (TSX:EMC) reports that the Nyngan Project offer made to Jervois Mining on October 30, 2012 for cash plus a royalty on Nyngan scandium production totalling $8 million in value, has been allowed by JRV to expire.

EMC Metals (TSX:EMC) reports that the Nyngan Project offer made to Jervois Mining on October 30, 2012 for cash plus a royalty on Nyngan scandium production totalling $8 million in value, has been allowed by JRV to expire.

As quoted in the press release:

JRV failed to acknowledge receipt or to otherwise respond to the EMC offer within the 14 day timeframe specified, but did send a letter through its counsel formally rejecting the offer after it expired. No public notice of EMC’s offer was given by JRV to shareholders or the ASX.

Click here to read the EMC Metals (TSX:EMC) press release
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