Blackheath Resources CEO Talks Tungsten Production in Portugal

Company News

Blackheath Resources Inc. (TSXV:BHR) CEO James Robertson talks about “trying to bring Portugal back into becoming a major producer of tungsten for Europe.”

 Blackheath Resources Inc. (TSXV:BHR) CEO James Robertson spoke to Resource Investing News at the Vancouver Resource Investment Conference 2015 about the Company’s tungsten projects in Portugal. According to Mr. Robertson, Blackheath plans to “acquire the top past-producing tungsten mines in Portugal.” The Company currently holds 5 of the top 7 past-producing tungsten mines in Portugal. Mr. Robertson continues, “We’re trying to bring Portugal back into becoming a major producer of tungsten for Europe.” In 2015, investors can expect a resource estimate at the Covas project, additional drill programs at Borralha, and confirmation of historic resource estimates at Bejanca.

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