Molycorp Looks Like Good Buy After Sell-Off

Tantalum Investing

Seeking Alpha reported on Molycorp Inc. (NYSE:MCP) looks like a good buy after a sell off.

Seeking Alpha reported on Molycorp Inc. (NYSE:MCP) looks like a good buy after a sell off.

As quoted in the market news:

Molycorp Inc. (MCP) is one of the largest rare earths and rare metals corporation in the U.S. Molycorp owns a rich rare earth source at Mountain Pass, California. The company has ultra-high-purity rare earth and rare metal materials handling abilities. Molycorp is a verticalcompany that extracts, processes, and distributes rare earth resources. It generates custom engineered products from 15 distinct, rare earths with purity degrees of approximately of 99.9999%. MCP also generates six other metals (niobium, tantalum, gallium, indium, rhenium, and zirconium) as a byproduct.

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