Critical Elements: High-Grade Lithium Drill Results at Lemare

MONTREAL, QUEBEC–(Marketwired – Nov. 24, 2016) – Critical Elements (TSXV:CRE,OTCQX:CRECF,FWB:F12)) and Platypus Minerals Ltd (PLP.AX) (“Platypus”) are pleased to announce positive results from the Stage 1 exploration program completed at the Lemare spodumene pegmatite located in the James Bay lithium district in Quebec, Canada.
MONTREAL, QUEBEC–(Marketwired – Nov. 24, 2016) – Critical Elements (TSXV:CRE,OTCQX:CRECF,FWB:F12)) and Platypus Minerals Ltd (PLP.AX) (“Platypus”) are pleased to announce positive results from the Stage 1 exploration program completed at the Lemare spodumene pegmatite located in the James Bay lithium district in Quebec, Canada.
Platypus’ first exploration program at Lemare comprised 16 diamond drill holes, totaling 1,788 m of NQ core, drilled into the Lemare pegmatite along 8 lines spaced a nominal 50 m apart. In conjunction, a program of regional rock chip sampling was undertaken along the projected extension of the pegmatite beyond the bounding lake to the southwest (Figures 2 and 3).
The drilling confirmed the presence of a high grade spodumene pegmatite that was initially identified by a series of channel samples. This pegmatite is seen to extend at least 300 m along strike and remains open to the NE. It is up to 20 m in true width and pinches and swells both along strike and down dip (Figures 4 and 5). The pegmatite is closed off to the SW where it approaches a lake.
Several parallel pegmatites were intersected by the drilling. These are generally low grade and only sporadically mineralized.
Rock chip sampling along the projected extension of the pegmatite beyond the lake to the SW has identified a new zone of spodumene mineralization over a 600 m strike length (Figure 2). This zone remains open to the SW.
Fairly consistent grades of 2% – 3% Li2O were recorded from intermittent pegmatite outcrops along a 600 m long semi-coherent zone (average of 10 samples is 2.3% Li2O). This represents new mineralization that is even more prospective than the area just drilled and is therefore an attractive future drilling target.
The total Lemare spodumene-prospective pegmatite strike length now exceeds 1.2 km.
Read the full press release.
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