Canadian Orebodies Drills Widespread Tantalum Mineralization on Zigzag Property

Tantalum Investing

Canadian Orebodies Inc. (CVE:CO) reports assay results from the initial drilling program on the Tebishogeshik showing on its Zigzag Tantalum/Lithium and Rare Metals property.

Canadian Orebodies Inc. (TSXV:CO) reports assay results from the initial drilling program on the Tebishogeshik showing on its Zigzag Tantalum/Lithium and Rare Metals property.

The press release is quoted as saying:

Historical highly anomalous tantalum and cesium values are notably widespread on the property and indicate a high potential for zoned, complex-type pegmatites enriched in tantalum and cesium. Complex-type pegmatites are excellent targets for economic deposits of lithium, tantalum, cesium and rubidium such as the Tanco pegmatite in Manitoba.

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