Peruvian Discovery Site May Hold a Pool of Rare Earths

Scandium Investing reported that studies carried out by U.S.-based rare earth explorer RioSol and its Peruvian mining arm Compañía Minera Rio Sol have revealed that rare earth element and poly-metallic claim discovery in Peru have confirmed the presence of the elements at the site. reported that studies carried out by U.S.-based rare earth explorer RioSol and its Peruvian mining arm Compañía Minera Rio Sol have revealed that rare earth element and poly-metallic claim discovery in Peru have confirmed the presence of the elements at the site.

As quoted in the market news,

According to geologist Mirian Mamani, who presented her portion of the report at a conference in Lima Tuesday, the finding proves there are significant quantities of high-range of Neodymium, Scandium, Lathanum, Cerium, Europium and Yttrium, as well as other LREEs and HREEs and their related oxides.

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