Algonquin First Nations Call for Environmental Review Panel for Matamec/Toyota Rare Earth Elements Project
Algonquin First Nation Governments are expressing concern about the proposed Matamec/Toyota Rare Earth Elements Open Pit Mine in Kipawa, Quebec.
Algonquin First Nation Governments are expressing concern about the proposed Matamec/Toyota Rare Earth Elements Open Pit Mine in Kipawa, Quebec.
As quoted in the press release:
Rare earth mines can be the source of significant toxics that risk being released to the environment including radioactive elements (uranium and thorium) and the poorly understood rare earth elements themselves. Existing regulatory regimes in Quebec and Canada have not been designed with rare earth elements in mind, pointing to the need for additional, closer scrutiny of the Project.
Eagle Village Chief ,Madeleine Paul, said:
From meetings that have been held in our two Algonquin First Nation communities we know that there is a high degree of public concern among our Algonquin Peoples and also within the non-Algonquin population. While the environmental impacts and public concern are reason enough to refer the Project to a review panel, we feel the real opportunity with a Joint Federal-Algonquin Panel is in the potential for inter-jurisdictional cooperation with our two Algonquin First Nation Governments (Eagle Village & Wolf Lake).