MGX Minerals Completes Field Work at Kootenay Silica Prospect, Provides Update on Driftwood Magnesium
MGX Minerals Inc. (CSE:XMG) reported that field reconnaissance at the Kootenay Silica prospect has been completed, with rock chip samples sent to ALS Minerals for whole rock analysis. At Driftwood Magnesium, re-assaying of historical drill core is underway – this will be used to construct a resource model that includes both eastern and western zones. A mine plan for Driftwood is also in the works.
As quoted in the press release:
Field Reconnaissance completed at Kootenay Silica
The Company recently entered into an agreement with American Manganese Inc. to acquire the Kootenay Silica prospect (“Koot Claims”) (see press release dated March 5, 2015). Recent field reconnaissance has included mapping and geochemical sampling. Rock chip samples collected at the Koot Claims have been sent to ALS Minerals for whole rock analysis. Results are expected shortly and will assist in planning a phase one diamond drill program at Kootenay Silica.
Historic exploration on the Koot Claims by Cominco (now Teck-Cominco) outlined a mineralized zone spanning approximately 400 meters consisting of high-purity silicon dioxide (SiO2). Whole rock analysis of composite samples in six of seven diamond drill holes returned values ranging between 98.7% and 99.3% SiO2. The zone remains open along strike and at depth to the north, east and west. Cominco also completed decrepitation testing of rock fragments at 1,000° Celsius from three quartzite outcrops and noted no decrepitation.
MGX intends to use silica produced from Kootenay Silica as the primary ingredient for the production of ferro-silicon, a major industrial compound. The Company has completed ingredient composition and preliminary plant design for production of ferro-silicon and there appears to be sufficient silica (based on previous work) on the Koot Claims to support initial production.
Being regionally located near the Company’s flagship Driftwood Creek magnesium property (“Driftwood Magnesium”), Kootenay Silica may benefit from economies of scale through co-location of the magnesium oxide and ferro-silicon plants.
Driftwood Magnesium Update
MGX has conducted an internal scoping study to determine the final location for its magnesium oxide production plant. Negotiations are underway regarding MGX’s preferred locales.
Work is also underway at Driftwood Magnesium to construct a resource model that includes both the “Western” and “Eastern” mineralized zones (See Picture 1). Re-assaying of historic drill core from the “Western Zone” is proceeding on schedule. The historic drill core comprises over 620 meters of drilling across eight diamond drill holes and represents a mineralized zone spanning approximately 325 meters of strike length and up to 140 meters in true thickness (Klewchuk 2010).
Click here to read the MGX Minerals Inc. (CSE:XMG) press release
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