Coal and a greener White House

Market News

Coal Investing News reports upon welcoming the New 44th President of United States of America, coal and renewable energy were the topics addressed in his speech. ”The ways in which we use energy strengthen our adversaries and threaten our planet,” Obama warned. The U.S. cannot continue to “consume the world’s resources without regard to effect,” …

Coal Investing News reports upon welcoming the New 44th President of United States of America, coal and renewable energy were the topics addressed in his speech.

”The ways in which we use energy strengthen our adversaries and threaten our planet,” Obama warned. The U.S. cannot continue to “consume the world’s resources without regard to effect,” he said. Green energy proponents no doubt are looking to Obama to keep his promise of $150 billion for developing the technology needed to make renewable and clean energy a reality; while the nation’s coal industry is counting on funding for clean coal research and the continuation of coal’s energy supremacy.

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