Zenyatta Ventures and Israeli Partner, Larisplast Receive Grant Funding for Collaborative Project
Zenyatta Ventures (TSXV:ZEN) has announced grant funding from the Canada-Israel Industrial R&D Foundation for the production of nano-graphite-reinforced cement admixture under the Ontario-Israel Collaboration Program. As quoted in the press release: Zenyatta, Larisplast, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (‘BGU’) and B.G. Negev Technologies (‘BGN’) recently announced the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (‘MOU’) on …
Zenyatta Ventures (TSXV:ZEN) has announced grant funding from the Canada-Israel Industrial R&D Foundation for the production of nano-graphite-reinforced cement admixture under the Ontario-Israel Collaboration Program.
As quoted in the press release:
Zenyatta, Larisplast, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (‘BGU’) and B.G. Negev Technologies (‘BGN’) recently announced the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (‘MOU’) on 16 May 2016 while on the Ontario Business Mission to Israel with Premier Wynne. Each partner will have a unique technical contribution in a scaled up program from the successful bench scale testing announced on 24 September 2015. This new program will have subtotal costs of $207,002 (Zenyatta) and $322,129 (Larisplast) for a total of $529,131 of which 50% will be refunded under this OICP grant.
“CIIRDF is pleased to support Zenyatta, Larisplast, Ben-Gurion University and B.G. Negev Technologies as they collaborate on the development of an enhanced concrete with broad application across the construction industry,” said Dr. Henri Rothschild, President of CIIRDF. “This innovative R&D partnership directly supports the objectives of the Ontario-Israel Collaboration Program. The emerging product aims to improve the mechanical performance of concrete and its resilience during earthquakes, helping to preserve the safety of our citizens and infrastructure.”
The main objective of the collaborative project between Zenyatta, Larisplast, BGU and BGN is to develop concrete admixtures containing Zenyatta’s natural nano-graphite to create improved mechanical properties. Several benefits expected from the development of this enhanced concrete product include:
1. Allowing a faster curing time;
2. Using less concrete during construction but still achieve a superior mechanical performance;
3. Inhibiting premature failure; and
4. Withstanding large forces, typically produced during earthquakes or explosions.