Lincoln Minerals Signs MOU for Development of Kookaburra Gully Project
Lincoln Minerals Ltd. (ASX:LML) announced that it’s signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the District Council of Tumby Bay (DCTB). The agreement supports the development of Lincoln’s Kookaburra Gully graphite project on the Eyre Peninsula.
Lincoln Minerals Ltd. (ASX:LML) announced that it’s signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the District Council of Tumby Bay (DCTB). The agreement supports the development of Lincoln’s Kookaburra Gully graphite project on the Eyre Peninsula.
As quoted in the press release:
In view of the strategic importance of the Council in relation to road, power and water infrastructure for the Kookaburra Gully mine project, the parties have entered into a MoU which provides a framework for both parties to genuinely work together.
The outcomes include agreement on a proposed water pipeline from the Tod Reservoir, upgrading and maintenance of Pillaworta Road and intersections with Bratten Way and the Lincoln Highway, preparation of a Traffic Management Plan for trucking operations and local commuters, and continuing engagement with the local community in regard to business and employment opportunities.
Dr. John Parker, managing director of Lincoln, commented:
The signing of the MoU shows the willingness of the Council and Lincoln Minerals to collaborate in order to achieve maximum benefits for this new mining opportunity for the Tumby Bay region through upgrading of roads, increasing business and employment opportunities, achieving improved environmental and social outcomes and reinforcing relationships already developed.
Click here to read the full Lincoln Minerals Ltd. (ASX:LML) press release.