Minotaur Intersects Anomalous Zinc, Copper, Gold

Base Metals Investing

Minotaur Exploration Ltd. (ASX:MEP) announced the results from three drill holes at its Cloncurry joint venture with JOGMEC.

Minotaur Exploration Ltd. (ASX:MEP) announced the results from three drill holes at its Cloncurry joint venture with JOGMEC.

Highlights include:

  • Drill hole MN14D37 at the Clonagh Southtarget intersected massive pyrrhotite breccia and disseminated pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite, returning encouraging assays of 21m @ 0.56% Zn, 0.28% Cu and 0.06g/t Au (403 to 424m, downhole intercept). This includes 6m interval (418–424m) @ 1.36% Zn, 0.14% Cu and 0.07g/t Au
    • these results are 2km along strike from previous drillhole MNDDH14 containing broad zones of highly anomalous copper and elevated gold and cobalt, suggesting a significant linear mineralised system may exist;
  • Additional targets at Gidyea Bore, Emu South and Cormorant South will be drilled after current monsoonal conditions abate.

Click here to read the full Minotaur Exploration Ltd. (ASX:MEP) press release.

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