Canada Zinc Metals Concludes 5,000-meter Drill Program
Canada Zinc Metals Corp. (TSXV:CZX) announced that it’s finished a 2015 5,000-meter drill program at its Akie zinc-lead-silver property, which hosts the Cardiac Creek deposit.
Canada Zinc Metals Corp. (TSXV:CZX) announced that it’s finished a 2015 5,000-meter drill program at its Akie zinc-lead-silver property, which hosts the Cardiac Creek deposit.
As quoted in the press release:
The 2015 exploration program was focused on drill definition of the Cardiac Creek deposit on the Akie property, but also included completion of an airborne gravity geophysical survey and follow-up interpretation and target definition for the Akie, Mt. Alcock and Yuen North properties.
The Company completed eight drill holes for a total of 5,350 metres of HQ/NQ drilling on select targets on the Cardiac Creek deposit. The program successfully intersected Zn-Pb-Ag mineralization in all eight holes.
The program ran for approximately one hundred days, from early June until late September. Good drill production, cost efficiencies and budget control realized enough savings to warrant extending the program to complete a bonus 8th drill hole, at a total depth of 322 metres.
Results have been announced from two drill holes (A-15-121, A-15-122) totaling 1,107 metres. Results from the additional holes are pending. The drill data will be used to update the Cardiac Creek geological model with important infill and down-dip drill intercepts.
Peeyush Varshney, president and CEO of Canada Zinc, commented:
We’re delighted to announce the successful conclusion of another important phase of drilling on the Cardiac Creek deposit. We earlier announced very impressive results from the first two holes of the program; and look forward to releasing the remainder of the assays as they are received from the lab. It’s a testament to our exploration field staff and valued contractors that they could drill an extra bonus hole through careful budget control and skillful planning. We will have a busy fall compiling all the drill results and meanwhile we continue to examine the airborne gravity anomalies from the ongoing target assessment for the Akie, Mt. Alcock and Yuen North properties.
Click here to read the full Canada Zinc Metals Corp. (TSXV:CZX) press release.