Panoramic Reports Q1 Production of 4,678 Tonnes Contained Nickel
Apr. 09, 2015 04:49PM PST
Base Metals Investing Panoramic Resources Ltd. (ASX:PAN) announced preliminary statistics for the first quarter of 2015, noting that group production came to 4,678 tonnes of contained nickel (unreconciled).
Panoramic Resources Ltd. (ASX:PAN) announced preliminary statistics for the first quarter of 2015, noting that group production came to 4,678 tonnes of contained nickel (unreconciled). That is 3 percent lower than the amount recorded in the previous quarter.
Other highlights include:
- Safety — one LTI
- Group FY2015 Production Guidance — expected to come in at the lower end of previous 20-21,000t guidance
- Costs — quarterly aggregate Group sites costs flat
- Group cash and trade receivables — ~$72 million
- Exploration — significant new discovery of high grade mineralisation at Lower Schmitz
- Corporate — Company re-admitted to the ASX All Ordinaries Index on 20 March 2015
Click here to read the full Panoramic Resources Ltd. (ASX:PAN) press release.