Mirabela Nickel Has New Non-Executive Chair

Base Metals Investing

Mirabela Nickel Limited (ASX:MBN,TSX: MNB) reported Geoff Handley is the new Non-Executive Chairman and two Board members have resigned.

Mirabela Nickel Limited (ASX:MBN,TSX: MNB) reported Geoff Handley is the new Non-Executive Chairman and two Board members have resigned.

As quoted in the press release:

Mr. Handley is a Geologist with over 30 years’ experience in the mining industry. He worked as a geologist for BHP Exploration Ltd, as a chemist and geologist for Placer Exploration Ltd, and as an analyst for the AMP Society. In 1981, he joined Placer Pacific Ltd as a senior geologist and was responsible for the exploration and feasibility work at the Porgera, Granny Smith, Osborne and Big Bell mines. Subsequently, Mr. Handley was Executive Vice President, Strategic Development with Placer Dome where he was responsible for global exploration, acquisitions, research and development, and strategic planning. He is currently a Non-Executive Director of Eldorado Gold Corp, PanAust Limited and Endeavour Silver Corp and joined the board of Mirabela in January 2011.

Click here to read the Mirabela Nickel Limited (TSX: MNB) press release.

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