Buxton Confirms More Magmatic Nickel Sulfides at Zanthus
Buxton Resources (ASX:BUX) has concluded a second phase of RC drilling at the Zanthus project in the Fraser Range.
Buxton Resources (ASX:BUX) has concluded a second phase of RC drilling at the Zanthus project in the Fraser Range.
A total of six RC holes for 1,128 meters were drilled testing a number of electromagnetic (EM) conductors. The company said it has highly prospective ground within the Fraser Range that has been further validated by recent drilling and new EM surveys.
As quoted in the press release:
A number of mafic-ultramafic units containing magmatic nickel sulphides were encountered in the drilling, but no economic grades have as yet been defined .Drilling at the Oaktree North prospect reported a nickel sulphide zone of 1m @ 0.11% Ni, 63ppm Cu from 202m (ZRC090) but the conductor tested was likely explained by a graphite horizon intersected at 134-158m.The highest nickel values were reported from drilling of target ZV07 with 7m@ 0.13% Ni from 158m; including 3m @ 0.19% Ni from 162m. The finely disseminated nickel mineralization encountered further highlights a fertile magmatic system which has the potential to host higher grade mineralisation.
Click here for the Buxton Resources (ASX:BUX)Â press release