Micron Prepares Full Transition to Britannia Mining After Merger Ratification

Base Metals Investing

Micron Enviro Systems, Inc. (PINKSHEETS:MSVS) announced that the merger with Britannia Mining, a mining developer which focuses on high grade iron, has been ratified. The company is currently preparing the company’s documents and filings to finalize the shareholder ratification.

Micron Enviro Systems, Inc. (PINKSHEETS:MSVS) announced that the merger with Britannia Mining, a mining developer which focuses on high grade iron, has been ratified. The company is currently preparing the company’s documents and filings to finalize the shareholder ratification.

As quoted in the press release:

In October of 2012 Britannia Mining (UK company), solidified its interest in Micron and executed an agreement to Merge with Micron pending ratification by shareholders.

On January 31st, 2013, in a Special Meeting of Stockholders, the merger between Micron Enviro Systems and Britannia Mining (UK company), was ratified by shareholders.

Click here to read the full Micron Enviro Systems, Inc. (PINKSHEETS:MSVS) press release.

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