Red Metal Resources Reports Reconnaissance Sample Assays of 10.30% Copper and 21.72 g/t Gold on Mateo Property

Base Metals Investing

Red Metal Resources Ltd. (OTCBB:RMES) announced returned assay results of reconnaissance samples taken at its Mateo property.

Red Metal Resources Ltd. (OTCBB:RMES) announced returned assay results of reconnaissance samples taken at  its Mateo property.

As quoted in the press release:

A recent detailed mapping and sampling program over Mateo has returned promising results from reconnaissance samples collected on multiple mineralized structures from mantos, veins and mineralized breccia bodies:

  • Samples of 21.72g/t Au with 0.69% Cu, 3.10g/t Au with 0.50% Cu and 3.57g/t Au with 0.62% Cu taken from one vein traced for approximately 350 meters on surface
  • 36 of 138 samples returned Au results greater than 1.00g/t Au
  • 59 of 138 samples returned Cu results greater than 1.00% Cu
  • Multiple mineralized veins, mantos and breccia bodies identified

Click here to read the Red Metal Resources (OTCBB:RMES) press release.

Click here to view the Red Metals Resources (OTCBB:RMES) profile.

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