Empire Mining Starts IP/Resistivity Survey at Demirtepe Copper-Gold-Silver Project
Empire Mining Corporation (CVE:EPC) started the IP/resistivity survey at the newly identified Southwest Zone of the Demirtepe copper-gold-silver and molybdenum project in Turkey.
Empire Mining Corporation (TSXV:EPC) started the IP/resistivity survey at the newly identified Southwest Zone of the Demirtepe copper-gold-silver and molybdenum project in Turkey.
The press release is quoted as saying:
The Southwest Zone is interpreted as having formed the basement below the Demirtepe Main Zone deposit which then became detached. This view is supported by higher temperature signs of epithermal style quartz with chalcopyrite and pyrite. The identification of a basal detachment fault at the bottom of the Main Zone led to the discovery of the Southwest Zone
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