Augusta Resource Corp Announces Delivery of Rosemont Copper EIS to Agencies in Advance of Final Comments
Augusta Resource Corporation (TSX:AZC, NYSE:AZC) announced that the Preliminary Administrative Final Environmental Impact Statement (“FEIS”) for Rosemont Copper has been delivered by U.S. Forest Service to the Federal, State and Local cooperating agencies to receive their final comments.
Augusta Resource Corporation (TSX:AZC, NYSE:AZC) announced that the Preliminary Administrative Final Environmental Impact Statement for Rosemont Copper has been delivered by U.S. Forest Service to the Federal, State and Local cooperating agencies to receive their final comments.
As quoted in the press release:
The PA FEIS includes a description of the environmental impacts of the Rosemont Copper Project, including impacts to water and air quality, cultural resources, recreation and wildlife. This discussion includes the results of consultation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service . The PA FEIS concludes, supported by the USFWS, that the project would not jeopardize the continued existence of any of the ten federally listed (threatened and endangered) species that may occur in the project area. The PA FEIS also concludes that the project will not result in adverse modification of any designated critical habitat. Further, as anticipated and planned for, certain monitoring and mitigation requirements will be required to minimize the impacts of the project.
Augusta’s Senior Vice President, Corporate Development and Government Affairs, Jamie Sturgess, said:
The issues and concerns of many parties have been addressed, through careful project facility siting, technology selection, pollution prevention, land and water set-asides, compensatory mitigation funding, community endowment efforts, and voluntary acquisition of ranches and rare surface water rights for preservation of habitat values.
To view the whole press release, click here.