Amerigo Reports 12.09 Million Pounds of CU From Minera Valle Central

Base Metals Investing

Amerigo Resources Ltd. (TSX:ARG) reported 2011 Q4 production results from Minera Valle Central, Rancagua, Chile.

Amerigo Resources Ltd. (TSX:ARG) reported 2011 Q4 production results from Minera Valle Central (MVC), Rancagua, Chile.

As quoted in the press release:

MVC produced 12.09 million pounds of copper and 195,729 pounds of molybdenum during the three months ended December 31, 2011, for a total of 43.7 million pounds of copper and 785,068 pounds of molybdenum for the full year.

Click here to read the Amerigo Resources Ltd. (TSX:ARG) press release.

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