Potash Ridge (TSX:PRK) CFO Jeffrey Hillis Talks Significant Milestones Achieved for the Blawn Mountain Project in Utah

Potash Investing

Potash Ridge (TSX:PRK) CFO Jeffrey Hillis talks about Sulfate of Potash and the Company’s Blawn Mountain Project in Utah.

Potash Ridge Corporation (TSX:PRK) CFO, Jeffrey Hillis, spoke to Resource Investing News at the Vancouver Resource Investment Conference about Sulfate of Potash and the Company’s Blawn Mountain Project in Utah. In 2013, Potash Ridge achieved significant milestones, most notably a prefeasibility study with robust economics and a project value of over a billion dollars.

Potash Ridge is a Canadian based development company with a unique opportunity to develop a sulphate of potash and alumina project into long-term mining production. The Company’s Blawn Mountain Project consists of four areas of surface mineable alunite mineralization in the State of Utah. Alunite is a sulfate mineral ore rich in both sulphate of potash and alumina.
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