K+S Potash Canada and Pacific Coast Terminals Celebrate the Grand Opening of World-Class Potash Handling and Storage Facility
Today, K+S Potash Canada (KSPC) and Pacific Coast Terminals (PCT) celebrate the opening of a state-of-the-art potash handling and storage facility at PCT’s Port Moody terminal. The port facility is the western port destination for potash from KSPC’s new multibillion dollar Bethune mine in southern Saskatchewan, the first new potash mine in Canada’s premiere potash …
Today, K+S Potash Canada (KSPC) and Pacific Coast Terminals (PCT) celebrate the opening of a state-of-the-art potash handling and storage facility at PCT’s Port Moody terminal.
The port facility is the western port destination for potash from KSPC’s new multibillion dollar Bethune mine in southern Saskatchewan, the first new potash mine in Canada’s premiere potash belt in nearly 50 years. KSPC, a subsidiary of the K+S Group, an international resources company headquartered in Germany, celebrated the Grand Opening of the mine in May of this year and commenced production the following month.
Dr. Burkhard Lohr, Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors of K+S, said:
“This port facility is essential to the success of our Canadian potash operations.In Saskatchewan, we now have access to high-quality resources for generations to come – and from here, in Port Moody, we will deliver our products to customers around the world.”