Belarus, Laos Discuss Transnational Potash Production

Potash Investing

Belta reported that Belarus and Laos are in talks over a transnational corporation for potash production.

Belta reported that Belarus and Laos are in talks over a transnational corporation for potash production.

As quoted in the market report:

Laos, the same as Belarus, possesses considerable potassium salt resources, which make a raw material in the production of fertilizers. The manufacturing process in Laos is in a primary stage of development, with China providing considerable assistance in the process. China is interested in supplies of potash muriate from Laos. In turn, the Lao authorities see great prospects in attracting Belarusian specialists who possess rich experience in the production of potash fertilizers. “I would like to invite Belarusian specialists to partake in the process such as production of fertilizers. We have the same raw material as Belarus does,” the Minister of Industry and Commerce of Laos said. “China will not be kept out of the project. If we keep in touch in what concerns the production of fertilizers, we will be able to develop this area and export the product. Everyone will benefit from it,” the minister added.

To view the whole Belta report, click here.

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