Allana Partner Commends ICL for Potash for Growth Program in Ethiopia
Allana Potash Corp. (TSX:AAA) announced its commendation of partner Israel Chemicals Ltd. (NYSE:ICL) for its Potash for Growth program in Ethiopia.
Allana Potash Corp. (TSX:AAA) announced its commendation of partner Israel Chemicals Ltd. (NYSE:ICL) for its Potash for Growth program in Ethiopia. It is intended unlock the potential of agriculture in Ethiopia by promoting balanced fertilization among Ethiopia’s farmers.
As quoted in the press release:
Allana was one of the first companies to realize the importance of various programs conducted by the Agriculture Transformation Agency of Ethiopia. The Company joined the ATA program in 2013 by making a significant financial contribution for its operating budget. Following ICL’s s initial investment in Allana, they also made an important decision to support the ATA program as well. Allana and ICL have provided $US600,000 so far to support the various projects of the ATA.
Farhad Abasov, Allana’s president and CEO, stated:
The Potash for Growth program initiated by ICL in conjunction with its partners (including Allana) in Ethiopia is an important undertaking in advancing the rapid development of modern agriculture in the country. We are glad to see such a serious commitment from ICL to the development and growth of agriculture and fertilizer sectors in Ethiopia. Allana was one of the first companies to contribute to the Agricultural Transformation Agency two years ago, and Allana continued with its financial contribution to this program in 2014.
Click here for the full Allana Potash Corp. (TSX:AAA) press release