Theralase Reveals New Data on X-Ray Tech

Biotech Investing

Theralase Technologies presented its latest research on x-ray activation of photo dynamic compounds at the International Photodynamic Association World Congress.

Theralase Technologies (TSXV:TLT) (OTCQX:TLTFF) presented its latest research on x-ray activation of photo dynamic compounds at the International Photodynamic Association World Congress.
As quoted in the press release:

Dr. Kaspler presented how the TLD-1433 injected intratumorally in a Balb/C mouse animal model has a greater than 90% cell kill in human GlioBlastoma Multiforme (“GBM“) cancer treated pre-clinically with a low dose of X-ray (1 Gy, 75 keV) and then activated by Near Infrared (“NIR“) laser light (808 nm, 200 J/cm2), four hours after injection.
Dr. Kaspler stated that, “X-ray followed by NIR laser light activation of TLD-1433 is a new and unexpected discovery by the members of our research team under the leadership of Dr. Arkady Mandel and Dr. Lothar Lilge. This discovery has far reaching implications, including: targeting cancers that are difficult, if not impossible to reach with conventional laser light sources, such as GBM brain tumours or deep tissue related cancers.”
Dr. Kaspler concluded in his presentation that TLD-1433 is:

  • Stable under X-ray activation and remains able to produce ROS via subsequent NIR laser light activation
  • Able to be activated by X-ray eliciting a PDT-like cell kill
  • Able to be dually activated (X-ray followed by NIR laser) delivering a cell kill greater than the two wavelengths applied separately
  • Able to destroy cancer cells predominantly via necrosis at 24 hours post treatment.
  • Able to deliver noticeable damage to tumors when X-ray activated
  • Able to deliver significant tumour damage when dually activated (X-ray followed by NIR laser) in the presence of transferrin

Click here to read the full press release.


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