Naturally Splendid Returns From Premier's Trade Mission

Biotech Investing
Biotech Investing

Naturally Splendid (TSXV:NSP) announced and update on the recent international trade mission lead by Premier Christy Clark.

Naturally Splendid (TSXV:NSP) announced and update on the recent international trade mission lead by Premier Christy Clark.
As quoted in the press release:

The Company was invited by the B.C. Ministry of International Trade to participate in an
international trade mission to South Korea, the Philippines and Japan. The trade mission focused on trade and investment in key sectors and developing opportunities in emerging markets within the region.
Naturally Splendid was able to make contact with many of British Columbia’s Trade and Investment Representatives (TIRs) as well as make multiple business connections during the trade mission. British Columbia’s International Trade Representatives (TIRs) play an integral role in the development and execution of international missions by identifying investment leads and facilitating meetings with government stakeholders. TIRs also work with the Ministry of International Trade’s team of specialists in British Columbia to help B.C. businesses further their overseas presence, and assist international businesses discover what B.C. has to offer as an investment destination.

Naturally Splendid CEO, Craig Goodwin stated:

We were most honored to be invited by the B.C. Ministry of International Trade to participate in this key trade mission with Premier Clark. We continue to grow our exporting sales in South Korea and are increasing our exporting efforts not only in South Korea, but also throughout the Asian region. Business opportunities continue to grow in South Korea and we were able to make key contacts in Japan. Although industrial hemp is not yet approved in the Philippines, there are several business opportunities not hemp related we are exploring and we were able to attend the opening of the new trade and investment office in Manila”. This is B.C.’s 12th international trade and investment representative office; other locations include Japan, China, Korea and India. The Asian region remains of high interest for Naturally Splendid in regards to expanding our exporting territory. The opportunity to meet key contacts in Japan has accelerated the exporting opportunities there. Japan has a population nearing 130,000,000. In comparison, South Korea has a population of approximately 50,000,000. Naturally Splendid VP of Operations Bryan Carson states, “We see many similar signals coming from Japan that we observed in South Korea when we initially launched there. With an increased population base comes the potential to create significant exporting opportunities.

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