MGX Renewables: Revolutionizing Energy Storage Systems Across the Globe

Base Metals Investing
Company News

MGX Renewables has launched its campaign on the Investing News Network’s resource channel.

MGX Renewables has launched its campaign on the Investing News Network’s technology channel.

MGX Renewables is a leading energy storage company developing zinc-air flow batteries. The company has designed a patented modular energy storage system designed to store anywhere from 20kW to 100MW of power over an extended period of time. MGX Renewables has been granted over 20 patents for its zinc-air flow battery technology, which is designed to disrupt the hydrocarbon industry.

The company’s modular power system has been designed to support a wide range of functions, including discharge power, recharge power, and duty cycle requirements. The zinc-air flow battery can also support long discharge periods by increasing the size of the tank that combines zinc particles with oxygen to produce energy. This flexibility enables a number of industrial applications, including renewable energy storage and grid energy systems.

MGX Renewables’ company highlights include the following:

  • Over 20 patents have been granted for the zinc-air fuel cell technology.
  • The system is designed to deliver between 20kW and 100MW of power over long periods.
  • Zinc-air fuel cell technology is modular and easily scalable
  • Oxygen and zinc are readily available materials which keep costs of the system low.
  • Final commercialization and scale-up to mass production is underway.
  • UL and CSA certification for most modules has been obtained

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