Marapharm Ventures Provides Construction Update for its Las Vegas Marijuana Facilities

Company News

Marapharm Ventures (CSE:MDN) has provided an update of timelines for its previously announced Las Vegas, Nevada project. As quoted in the press release: The two starter buildings have arrived at the Marapharm property located in Las Vegas, Nevada. Site preparation is underway. Forms and slab pour and cure time is slated to be January 16, …

Marapharm Ventures (CSE:MDN) has provided an update of timelines for its previously announced Las Vegas, Nevada project.
As quoted in the press release:

The two starter buildings have arrived at the Marapharm property located in Las Vegas, Nevada. Site preparation is underway. Forms and slab pour and cure time is slated to be January 16, 2017. The building erection crew is slated to begin January 17, 2017. Interior prep and finishing for grow ready is to commence January 28, 2017. Fencing, security and signage is projected for completionFebruary 20, 2017. Numerous construction items and interior furnishings, equipment and preparations to go to March 30, 2017 and growing, cultivation and processing for 3 licensed facilities commences April, 2017. Delivery of pre-sold cannabis after curing, testing and packaging projected to be within 3 months of the initial harvest.
“We are excited. Nevada has 50 million adult visitors per year and marijuana is legal for medical and recreational use so the market is beyond huge and we will be ready! Our land is paid for. The buildings, equipment and many other items are paid for. We are in good shape financially with close to $4 million in cash presently for working capital for the Las Vegas project and credit facilities are available if required. The building plans for the entire build-out will be ready shortly, to reflect the height changes to accommodate our vertical plus farming model, and then we go into the final construction stage. Construction photos will be posted shortly on our website,” Linda Sampson, Marapharm CEO.

Click here to read the full press release.

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