Eyecarrot Founder Adam Cegielski Catches up with Cantech Letter

In a recent interview cantech letter spoke with Eyecarrot Innovations Corp (TSXV:EYC) founder Adam Cegielski.
In a recent interview cantech letter spoke with Eyecarrot Innovations Corp (TSXV:EYC) founder Adam Cegielski.
As quoted in the interview:
Adam, for our readers who did not catch our interview with you from a year ago, can you tell us a bit about Eyecarrot?
Sure, thanks Nick. At Eyecarrot, we are on a mission to power a global, dataÂ-driven, expert network to transform how vision performance is diagnosed, exercised and enhanced. Today, 1 in 4 people — that’s nearly 2 billion people worldwide— have visual performance issues that go beyond the ability to see clearly. Things like reading and learning challenges, poor athletic performance, and incomplete recovery from concussions or other traumatic brain injuries. For decades, we have been trained to believe that visual acuity is the only measure of visual performance that we need to care about, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Most visual performance issues go undiagnosed and untreated or misdiagnosed and prescribed medication or corrective aids or surgery. Each of these is a multi-billion dollar industry which, in many cases, simply attacks symptoms rather than addressing the root cause. We believe there has to be a better way to help all of these people using the amazing technology available today. That if we can work together to address the underlying root causes – the connection between the eyes, the brain and the body – we have the opportunity to help millions and millions of people and unlock huge gains for human performance. Eyecarrot’s BinoviTMplatform is a collaborative care solution that integrates software, hardware, data and the expert knowledge to achieve something truly remarkable for people challenged by vision-related issues.
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