Newrange Gold CEO: Existing Infrastructure Providing Unique Opportunity in Nevada

CEO Interviews

Newrange Gold CEO Robert Archer provides an exploration update on the company’s Pamlico project in Nevada.

Newrange Gold (TSXV:NRG,OTCQB:NRGOF,FWB:X6C) CEO Robert Archer joined the Investing News Network to give an overview of his company’s Pamlico gold project in Nevada.

In the interview below, Archer explains why he is confident Nevada is an optimal mining jurisdiction, with reasons including its rich history of mining and exploration, its mining-friendly government and the existing infrastructure in the area. The company’s management team was drawn to the project after encountering bureaucratic hurdles in other jurisdictions like Colombia, where the political landscape was much less stable. After identifying Pamlico as a potential target, Newrange Gold Founder Robert Carrington set his sights on developing the property.

Nevada is the fifth-most-productive gold mining region in the world, with a rich history of exploration and development in the Walker Lane trend. According to Archer, the underground workings left at Pamlico by previous miners have enabled Newrange to obtain a considerable amount of data on the property. Following successful drill programs in 2017 and 2018, the company has continued to explore the property, including a recent metallurgical program.

Below is a transcript of our interview with Newrange Gold CEO Robert Archer. It has been edited for clarity and brevity.

Investing News Network: Please give our investor audience an overview of Newrange Gold and its flagship Pamlico project in Nevada.

Newrange Gold CEO Robert Archer: Newrange Gold is an exploration and development company focused on its Pamlico project in Nevada. Pamlico is a past-producing, high-grade gold district that dates back to the 1880s. Mining took place there between the 1880s and 1920s, and the property has been in private hands since 1896.

Consequently, Pamlico has not seen much modern-day exploration, giving us the opportunity to evaluate the district and bring it into the modern age. The project has great infrastructure and is just 14 kilometers southeast of Hawthorne, Nevada. It’s right off a major highway, and a powerline crosses the property.

Importantly, our management team has a tremendous amount of experience in Nevada.

INN: What makes Nevada such an advantageous location for gold exploration and development?

RA: Nevada was recently named the world’s number one mining jurisdiction by the Fraser Institute. It’s also the fifth-largest gold producing region globally. It’s the perfect address due to the vast mineral endowment and the infrastructure already in place. The potential of the Pamlico property speaks to that.

INN: What drew Newrange to the Pamlico project?

RA: The company originally worked in Colombia as Colombian Mines. However, the bureaucratic environment in Colombia deteriorated, and our co-founder Robert Carrington decided to refocus the company’s efforts in the US and change the name to Newrange Gold. Robert knows Nevada well, and, through a family connection, he was able to negotiate an option on the Pamlico project.

INN: Please tell us about your recent exploration results.

RA: We essentially started from scratch in 2016 and developed a new geological database. To date, we’ve flown airborne geophysics and conducted a property-scale mapping and sampling program. We have approximately 8,000 meters of underground workings and 300 tunnels on the property dating to between the 1880s and 1920s when there was production. Access to these areas gives us the opportunity to collect a vast amount of data at a fraction of the cost of drilling.

In addition to surveying and mapping, we are sampling in the tunnels and results are now coming in. Additionally, our 2017 and 2018 drill programs showed high-grade gold mineralization near surface, with intersections of up to 340 grams per tonne. There is also potential in some lower-grade halos that the old timers didn’t recognize.

Our recent metallurgical testing indicates that the mineralization is amenable to heap leaching regardless of it being an open pit or underground operation, withrecovery rates of up to 97 percent. This year we will be continuing our metallurgical studies, mapping and sampling. We also expect to commence drilling in Q2 2019 to test new targets and build up a resource.

INN: Savvy investors know strong management is key to a company’s success. Can you tell us more about the configuration of Newrange’s management team and what its members bring to the table?

RA: Newrange has an excellent management team, and it’s one of the things that attracted me to the company. I’ve been a shareholder for years and got to know Robert Carrington and his team well. Carrington has decades of experience in numerous jurisdictions, but he has primarily worked in Nevada and Colombia. He and his team have made several discoveries and built mines. They specifically have experience in open pit mining.

I’m one of the co-founders of Great Panther Silver, which recently changed its name to Great Panther Mining (TSX:GPR) after the acquisition of a gold mine in Brazil. Great Panther started as a two-man concept in 2004 and is now a mid-tier precious metals producer. Between myself, Carrington and his team, we have a tremendous amount of experience in making discoveries and building mines and companies.

This interview is sponsored by Newrange Gold (TSXV:NRG,OTCQB:NRGOF,FWB:X6C). This interview provides information which was sourced by the Investing News Network (INN) and approved by Newrange Gold in order to help investors learn more about the company. Newrange Gold is a client of INN. The company’s campaign fees pay for INN to create and update this interview.

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The information contained here is for information purposes only and is not to be construed as an offer or solicitation for the sale or purchase of securities. Readers should conduct their own research for all information publicly available concerning the company. Prior to making any investment decision, it is recommended that readers consult directly with Newrange Gold and seek advice from a qualified investment advisor.

This interview may contain forward-looking statements including but not limited to comments regarding the timing and content of upcoming work programs, receipt of property titles, etc. Forward-looking statements address future events and conditions and therefore involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ materially from those currently anticipated in such statements. The issuer relies upon litigation protection for forward-looking statements. Investing in companies comes with uncertainties as market values can fluctuate.

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