Cyprium Metals

Nanadie Well Mineral Resource Estimate

Cyprium Metals Limited (ASX:CYM) (“CYM”, “Cyprium” or “the Company”) is pleased to announce the Company’s maiden Mineral Resource Estimate for the Nanadie Well deposit to a JORC 2012 standard, as detailed in Table 1 below.


  • Nanadie Well polymetallic orebody, preliminary Mineral Resource Estimate contains:
    • Copper 162,000 tonnes
    • Gold 130,000 ounces
    • Silver 1,364,000 ounces
    • Cobalt 2,200 tonnes
    • Nickel 11,900 tonnes
    • Zinc 6,500 tonnes
  • Nanadie Well extends to within one metre of surface
  • Mineralisation is shallow and broad, remaining open at depth and along strike to the north
  • Significant potential for extension

Executive Director Barry Cahill commented:

“We are very pleased to announce the results of our maiden mineral resource estimate at the Nanadie Well Copper Project in the east Murchison region. The mineral resource highlights the extensive polymetallic potential of the Nanadie Well Project. This mineral resource estimate also now means the Company has 2012 JORC compliant mineral resources at all of our copper projects.

The shallow Nanadie Well Resource and the Hollandaire Resource are complimentary deposits which are expected to deliver operational synergies. The Nanadie Well diamond drill core obtained in 2021 will provide sample material for metallurgical leach test work for inclusion in a scoping study.”

Table 1: Nanadie Well 2012 JORC Mineral Resource Estimate

Note: Differences in sum totals of tonnages and grades may occur due to rounding Cut-off at 0.25% Cu
Reported Grades and tonnages for all metals are estimated top-cut grades and tonnages


The Nanadie Well Copper-Gold Mineral Resource Estimate forms part of Cyprium’s broader Murchison Copper-Gold Project, as illustrated in Figures 1 and 6.

The broader Nanadie Well model further highlights the potential to expand the known resource both along strike and down dip. The current resource tapers with depth and the potential exists to expand this laterally at depth with further deeper drilling. In addition, the current resource is modelled from near surface to a nominal depth of 220mRL (255m from surface) but potential exists to increase the depth extents to beyond the limits of the deepest drilling which is currently down to 160mRL (315m from surface).

Certainly, deeper holes that extend beyond the lower limits of the modelled 2022 resource have intersected mineralisation with similar down hole mineralised widths and grades as those included in the modelled resource. This further highlights the potential to identify additional mineralisation within the layered intrusive body at depth. The model also highlighted trends in the mineralisation with Nickel and Cobalt grades increasing towards the northern end of the current Inferred Resource. There is also potential to expand the known resource along strike with further closer spaced drilling.

The Cyprium Ordinary Kriged 2022 resource model is based on geological information sourced from all previous drill holes with only the assay data from the 145 RC holes and 6 diamond drill holes drilled since 2004 utilised in the latest resource estimate. The resource is reported at a 0.25% Cu cut-off (refer above to Table 1).

Figure 1: Location of the Nanadie Well and Cue Copper-Gold Projects

The Nanadie Well block model extends from 6993900mN to 6995350mN and 692600mE to 693600mE and from 160mRL to the topographic surface nominally around 475mRL. The Inferred Resource is confined to the more densely drilled area between 6994040mN and 6995120mN and 692800mE and 693180mE (refer to Figure 2). A broader block model has been generated to aid future drill planning and identify structural trends in the mineralisation.

The Nanadie Well Mineral Resource Estimate currently extends from the base of the Quaternary surface cover sands and clays from only 0.5m to 6m below surface, down to a maximum depth of 220mRL (255m from surface). The bulk of the currently defined resource lies above 250mRL (above a depth of 225m from surface, refer to Figures 2 to 5). The mineralisation remains open at depth.

The resource is estimated 60m beyond the last fence of drilling at the north end and 100m beyond the last fence of drill holes at the southern end (Figure 3). The estimated resource extends from 20m to 100m below the greatest depth of drilling in some areas but elsewhere the current drilling extends beyond the base of the estimated resource (Figures 2, 4 and 5). The wireframe models that were used to generate the model domains extend a further 140m to the south and 230m to the north of the reported resource limits.

The full model extends beyond the limits of reported Inferred Resource. This was done both to aid future drill planning and also to ensure that any preliminary open pit shells would lie within the modelled limits. More specific details on the estimation parameters used are summarised below and explained in further details in the accompanying JORC Tables (refer to Appendix 1).

Click here for the full ASX Release

This article includes content from Cyprium Metals Limited, licensed for the purpose of publishing on Investing News Australia. This article does not constitute financial product advice. It is your responsibility to perform proper due diligence before acting upon any information provided here. Please refer to our full disclaimer here.

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Cyprium Metals Ltd Nifty East Extensional Infill Drilling Results

Perth, Australia (ABN Newswire) - Cyprium Metals Limited (ASX:CYM) is pleased to announce that assay results have been received from the Nifty East infill extensional drilling. The program comprised 21 RC holes for 5,725m targeting areas from the previous program which identified encouraging widths of oxide/transitional mineralisation extending east and sulphide mineralisation extending east at depth beneath the former Nifty open pit (Figure 1*).


- All results received from Nifty East Extensional Infill drilling program, targeting the oxide/transitional mineralisation and sulphide mineralisation at depth beneath the open pit

- Results demonstrate potential to define additional shallow mineralisation for the planned heap leach restart and grow the existing +0.9 Mt contained copper Mineral Resource

- Significant widths of copper mineralisation intersected are shown below

Executive Director Barry Cahill commented:

"The first phase of drilling at Nifty East has firmed up our understanding of the copper mineralisation extending from the current Nifty open pit and clearly demonstrates excellent potential to grow the existing resource further east. The results will be added to the resource model. These East drilling results along with the previously released West drilling clearly demonstrate the potential to expand the mineral resource as further phases of drilling proceed.

Discussion of results

Section 102,800E

Hole 21NRSP021 confirmed oxide mineralisation that was previously intercepted in holes 21NRSP006 and 21NRSP011 (Figure 3* 18m at 0.45% Cu, including 1m at 2.35% Cu). Hole 21NRSP021 also extended sulphide mineralisation at depth within the carbonate-shale host rocks (4m at 0.36% Cu, 3m at 0.47% Cu and 17m at 0.52% Cu, including 2m at 1.14% Cu and 6m at 0.16% Cu).

Section 102,840E

Hole 21NRSP030 confirms oxide mineralisation close to surface that was previously intersected in hole 21NRSP001 and historical drillhole NCP0317 (Figure 4* 3m at 0.15% Cu, 3m at 0.14% Cu and 5m at 0.26% Cu). Three deeper holes intercepted sulphide mineralisation extensions at depth where there is no historical drilling.

Hole 21NRSP0022 intercepted 3m at 0.19% Cu, 11m at 0.66% Cu including 2m at 1.57% Cu and 3m at 0.31%, and 5m at 0.51% Cu including 1m at 1.40% Cu. Hole 21NRSP0031 intercepts include 6m at 0.33% Cu and 7m at 1.14% Cu including 4m at 1.76% Cu. 21NRSP0032 intersected 3m at 0.21% Cu, 3m at 0.29% Cu and 4m at 0.20% Cu.

Section 102,880E

Figure 5* illustrates infill transitional and sulphide mineralisation which was intercepted in hole 21NRSP039 (3m at 0.69% Cu including 1m at 1.21% Cu, 3m at 0.44%, 4m at 0.30% Cu, 5m at 0.18% and 3m at 1.18% Cu including 2m at 1.38% Cu), and Hole 21NRSP023, which intercepts upper sulphide mineralisation (12m at 0.74% Cu including 2m at 1.20% Cu and including 1m at 1.50% Cu and including 1m at 1.26% Cu).

Section 102,920E

The drilling has identified further extensionsto the oxide mineralisation east of the Nifty pit. The mineralisation is mostly in proximity to the northern limb of the Nifty Syncline. It has also been confirmed to extend further south, interpreted as an extension of the sub-parallel zone of supergene copper mineralisation, which was identified in the first phase of drilling by Cyprium Metals in 2021.

Hole 21NRSP0033 (4m at 0.14% Cu, 3m at 0.16% Cu, 6m at 0.22% Cu, 14m at 0.27% Cu, 5m at 0.17% Cu and 3m at 0.26% Cu) and Hole 21NRSP034 (3m at 0.13% Cu, 4m at 0.16% Cu, 3m at 0.19% Cu, 4m at 0.70% Cu including 2m at 1.17% Cu, 3m at 0.30% Cu, 5m at 0.32% Cu and 1m at 1.23% Cu) have confirmed oxide and transitional mineralisation previously unidentified (Figure 6*).

The sub-parallel zone of supergene mineralisation was intercepted by hole 21NRSP024 (5m at 0.47% Cu including 1m at 1.36% Cu and 4m at 0.11% Cu). This hole also confirms sulphide mineralisation at depth (13m at 1.08% Cu including 1m at 1.12% Cu and including 3m at 3.10% Cu).

Section 102,960E

The drilling has confirmed oxide and transitional mineralisation previously identified in historical holes. New extensions to sulphide mineralisation to the east and at depth have also been identified (Figure 7*).

Hole 21NRSP035 confirms intercepts of shallow oxide and deeper transitional mineralisation (4m at 0.16% Cu, 7m at 0.16% Cu and 8m at 0.24% Cu).

Hole 21NRSP026 has intercepted the southern sub-parallel zone of supergene copper mineralisation (6m at 0.16% Cu). Sulphide mineralisation within the Nifty Syncline carbonate-shale host rocks was intercepted at depth (7m at 0.30%, 7m at 0.34% Cu and 4m at 0.20% Cu).

Sulphide mineralisation was intersected higher in the stratigraphic sequence in hole 21NRSP0025 (13m at 0.52% Cu including 1m at 1.48% Cu and including 1m at 2.13% Cu) and at depth (3m at 0.42% Cu and 4m at 0.19% Cu).

*To view tables and figures, please visit:

About Cyprium Metals Ltd:  

Cyprium Metals Limited (ASX:CYM) is poised to grow to a mid-tier mining business and manage a portfolio of Australian copper projects to deliver vital natural resources, strong shareholder returns and sustainable value for our stakeholders. We pursue this aim, in genuine partnerships with employees, customers, shareholders, local communities and other stakeholders, which is based on integrity, co-operation, transparency and mutual value creation.

Cyprium Metals Ltd

News Provided by ABN Newswire via QuoteMedia

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