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Mirasol Resources Ltd. (TSXV:MRZ) announced that it’s further expanded the Curahue gold-silver vein prospect at its Argentina-based Claudia project.
Mirasol Resources Ltd. (TSXV:MRZ) announced that it’s further expanded the Curahue gold-silver vein prospect at its Argentina-based Claudia project. The project is located adjacent to AngloGold Ashanti Ltd.’s (JSE:ANG) Cerro Vanguardia gold mine.
Highlights include:
- Recent exploration at the Curahue prospect has defined a large-scale, epithermal gold -silver vein system, developed over a 15 km strike length with 6 vein trends outlined to date.
- Trenching through gravel covered resistivity anomalies at the “Io” Trend has exposed intermittent, broad zones of veining over a 2 km strike length, with individual channel sample assays ranging up to 5.9 g/t Au and 120 g/t Ag.
- At the new “Sinope” Trend, a 61 line-km gradient array geophysical survey has outlined 3.5 km strike-length of resistivity anomalies in gravel covered areas, suggesting the presence of additional, potentially mineralized, large veins.
- At the new “Themisto” Trend, rock chip sampling has returned assay results of up to 0.49 g/t Au and 282 g/t Ag from chalcedonic veinlets associated with a 3.5 km long gradient array resistivity anomaly, also suggesting the presence of gravel covered veins at this trend.
Click here to read the full Mirasol Resources Ltd. (TSXV:MRZ) press release.