Aura Silver Identifies New Drill Target With Significant Potential

Silver Investing

Aura Silver Resources Inc. (TSXV:AUU) announced that it has identified a new drill target at the northeast end of its Greyhound project in Nunavut with strong potential.

Aura Silver Resources Inc. (TSXV:AUU) announced that it has identified a new drill target at the northeast end of its Greyhound project in Nunavut with strong potential.

As quoted in the press release:

This silver target has been defined through SGH geochemical analysis of surface soils completed by Activation Laboratories Ltd. of Ancaster, Ontario. The new target is some twenty kilometres from the previously reported gold and silver targets close to Aura Lake . During 2011, Aura Silver conducted its first prospecting of the newer northeast claims and discovered multiple high-grade surface rock samples and also completed an extensive soil sampling grid over the northeast claims.

Aura Silver’s President and CEO, Robert Boaz, said:

In addition to our drill ready gold and silver targets close to Aura Lake in the southwest of the property we have now determined that mineralization at Greyhound is much more widespread than previously thought. This highlights the potential for the Greyhound project to host multiple gold/silver targets across the strike length of the Archean greenstone belt covered by our claims

To view the whole press release, click here.

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