Wesizwe Platinum May Sell Stake in Maseve Mine

Precious Metals

Bloomberg reported that according to Jianke Gao, CEO of Wesizwe Platinum Ltd. (OTCMKTS:WSZWF), the company is considering selling its minority stake in Platinum Group Metals Ltd.’s (TSX:PTM,NYSEMKT:PLG) Maseve mine.

Bloomberg reported that according to Jianke Gao, CEO of Wesizwe Platinum Ltd. (OTCMKTS:WSZWF), the company is considering selling its minority stake in Platinum Group Metals Ltd.’s (TSX:PTM,NYSEMKT:PLG) Maseve mine.

As quoted in the market news:

‘The Maseve project is not aligned with our strategy,’ Gao said in a Feb. 21 interview at Wesizwe’s Johannesburg office. ‘Our priority is to build up the Bakubung project on time and on budget, or to reach full production earlier.’

In the case of a sale of its stake in Maseve, Vancouver- based Platinum Group Metals would need to find another partner to meet its legal obligation to ensure black shareholders own at least 26 percent of the asset

Click here to read the full Bloomberg report.

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