Strong Gold and Silver Values at Poplar Copper-Gold-Silver Porphyry Property
Lions Gate Metals Inc. (TSXV:LGM) announced the results from three (3) more holes from the twenty-nine (29) hole, 10,913.93 metre, phase-two diamond drill program at the Poplar Copper-Gold-Silver Porphyry Property. Four diamond drill holes were drilled along the northwest side of the Main Zone on the Property, where hole 11-PC-97 intersected a significant 0.68% copper equivalent over 147.87 metres within a greater intercept of 545.43 m grading 0.35% CuEq (see news release dated December 6, 2011).
As quoted in the press release:
“Hole 11-PC-108 confirms the grade potential of the northwest portion of the Poplar deposit, and that it remains open,” says Lions Gate CEO and President, Paul Sarjeant. “The hole was designed to locate the northern margin of mineralization within the Main Zone, and to test below the limits of hole 11-PC-84 (see news release dated March 7, 2011), previously drilled through the eastern edge of the Main Zone. Holes 11-PC-108 and 11-PC-84 returned impressive gold and silver mineralization, and intersections from 11-PC-108 indicate that the mineralized envelope of the Main Zone extends below the 560 metres elevation.”
Click here to read the Lions Gate Metals Inc. (TSXV:LGM) press release
Click here to see the Lions Gate Metals Inc. (TSXV:LGM) profile.