Guyana Frontier Commences Drilling at Favourable Lake Project

Gold Investing

Guyana Frontier Mining Corp. (CVE:GYG) has began its diamond drilling program on the Borland Lake target area at the Favourable Lake project in Ontario, Canada.

Guyana Frontier Mining Corp. (TSXV:GYG) has began its diamond drilling program on the Borland Lake target area at the Favourable Lake project in Ontario, Canada.

The press release is quoted as saying:

The 2011 drilling plan calls for a minimum of 1,000 metres of diamond drilling in six to eight holes collared on the ice of Borland Lake, with estimated minimum depths of 125 metres and maximum depths of 200 metres, weather permitting. The purpose of the drilling program is to test a mineralized zone encountered by Noranda Exploration Co. Ltd. and Massive Energy Ltd. in historical drilling programs carried out between 1962 and 1987 that encountered significant intersections of silver, with accompanying minor values of gold, lead and zinc. Guyana Frontier was unable to effectively intersect the historical zone in its 2010 winter drilling program, due to warm winter weather and weak ice conditions on Borland Lake. Holes drilled from the shore of Borland Lake in a subsequent 2010 summer drilling program were also unable to intersect the historical mineralized zone.

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