Fjordland Exploration Inc. (CVE:FEX) and Cariboo Rose Resources Ltd. (CVE:CRB) report Woodjam JV drill results from the Deerhorn Zone of the Woodjam North gold-copper property, B.C., Canada.
Fjordland Exploration Inc. (TSXV:FEX) and Cariboo Rose Resources Ltd. (TSXV:CRB) report Woodjam JV drill results from the Deerhorn Zone of the Woodjam North gold-copper property, B.C., Canada.
The press release is quoted as saying:
Drill hole DH11-26 intersected 151.5 metres (m) grading 0.83g/t gold and 0.21% copper, including a higher-grade intercept of 68.8 m grading 1.17g/t gold and 0.35% copper (see table below). DH11-26 also had a 36.7 m unmineralized interval between 210 m and 246.7 m. The hole was collared approximately 230 m south of hole DH10-21 (156.6 m grading 1.14g/t Au and 0.29% Cu from 141.9 m, including 64 m grading 1.92g/t Au and 0.39% Cu from 212 m), with an azimuth of 320 degrees and a dip of -65 degrees.
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