Fjordland Reports Woodjam North: Deerhorn Zone Drill Hole Intersects 95.74 m Grading 0.53g/t Gold & 0.22% Copper
Fjordland Exploration Inc. (CVE:FEX) and Cariboo Rose Resources Ltd. (CVE:CRB) report on additional drilling results from the final three drill holes of the 2010 drilling program on the Woodjam North gold-copper property.
Fjordland Exploration Inc. (TSXV:FEX) and Cariboo Rose Resources Ltd. (TSXV:CRB) report on additional drilling results from the final three drill holes of the 2010 drilling program on the Woodjam North gold-copper property.
The press release is quoted as saying:
The property is located 45 km east of Williams Lake in south-central British Columbia. During 2010, twenty-two drill holes totaling 6,430 m were completed, bringing the total drilling at Deerhorn between 2008 and 2010 to thirty-six holes totaling 10,707 m.The highest gold-copper grades were intersected in drill hole DH10-23 that graded 0.53g/t Au and 0.22% Cu (0.92g/t Au Equivalent) over 95.74 m, including a higher-grade intercept of 41.2 m grading 0.89g/t Au and 0.26% Cu (1.35g/t Au Equivalent). A drill location map may be viewed at
Fjordland’s President, Tom Schroeter says:
“The significant intervals of gold and copper mineralization encountered in drill hole DH10-23 are very encouraging, extending the previous area of mineralization or perhaps indicating a separate area. The discovery at Tisdall Lake is exciting and highlights the potential for other discoveries elsewhere on the large Woodjam North claim block, much of which has not systematically been explored to date.”
Click here to access the entire news release.