Star Diamond Completes Specialized Drill Program in Saskatchewan
The Star kimberlite is located within the company’s Star – Orion South diamond project, in the Fort à la Corne diamond district of central Saskatchewan.
Star Diamond Corporation (TSX:DIAM) has announced that Rio Tinto Exploration Canada has successfully completed a specialized drill program, using the cutter soil mixing drilling technique at five of the proposed bulk sample locations on the Star kimberlite.
The Star kimberlite is located within the company’s Star – Orion South diamond project, in the Fort à la Corne diamond district of central Saskatchewan.
As quoted from the press release:
This CSM drilling program mixes cement grout with the top 20 metres of near-surface sands in order to stabilize the unconsolidated sand overburden for each of the planned bulk sample holes by RTEC. Following the stabilisation program, RTEC intends to use a Bauer BC 50 Cutter mounted on a Bauer MC 128 Duty-cycle Crane (“Trench Cutter Sampling Rig “) to drill and sample to depths of up to 250 metres below surface. Each ten metres of advance down hole aims to excavate some 100 tonnes of kimberlite.
Senior Vice President Exploration and Development, George Read, states: “Star Diamond Corporation is pleased that this phase of the CSM program has been conducted while the final assembly and testing of the Trench Cutter Sampling Rig is being completed. The assembly and commissioning of RTEC’s desanding and bagging plant is also nearing completion. The desanding plant has been designed by RTEC to recover -80 +0.85 millimetre washed kimberlite sampled by the Trench Cutter Sampling Rig.”