Pennant’s Second Montney Horizontal Well Spud at Bigstone
Nov. 30, 2011 07:40AM PST
Oil and Gas InvestingPennant Energy Inc. (TSXV:PEN) announced, pursuant to our November 18, 2011 press release, it has been informed by the operator, Donnybrook Energy Inc, that the DEI Bigstone Hz 15-32-60-22 W5M well (25% working interest to Pennant) drilling operations commenced on November 25, 2011.
Pennant Energy Inc. (TSXV:PEN) announced, pursuant to our November 18, 2011 press release, it has been informed by the operator, Donnybrook Energy Inc, that the DEI Bigstone Hz 15-32-60-22 W5M well (25% working interest to Pennant) drilling operations commenced on November 25, 2011.
Click here to see the Pennant Energy Inc. (TSXV:PEN) profile.
As quoted in the press release:
The drilling prognosis calls for the well to be drilled to a total measured depth of approximately 5,150 meters from surface location 3-29-60-22W5, cased and prepared for completion and fracing operations (or abandoned). The operator estimates the well take 35 days to drill and case. The DEI Bigstone Hz 15-32 well has a planned 2,500 metre +/- horizontal section.
Click here to read the Pennant Energy Inc. (TSXV:PEN) press release
Click here to see the Pennant Energy Inc. (TSXV:PEN) profile.