Cadillac Ventures (TSX-V:CDC) CEO Norman Brewster on Tungsten in New Brunswick
Cadillac Ventures (TSXV:CDC) CEO Norman Brewster spoke to Resource Investing News about the company’s tungsten project in New Brunswick – the Burnt Hill Project.
Cadillac Ventures Inc. (TSXV:CDC) CEO Norman Brewster spoke to Resource Investing News about the company’s tungsten project in New Brunswick – the Burnt Hill Project.
Cadillac is a development-focused copper company currently advancing its 100% owned Thierry Property, near Pickle Lake, Ontario. The Thierry Property consists of the past producing
Thierry Mine and hosts two NI 43-101 compliant resources: Thierry Mine and K1-1.
In addition, Cadillac also holds a 51% interest in the Burnt Hill Project, a historic tungsten/tin mine taken to test production by Mr. Norman Brewster P.Geo for Canadian International Paper
during the early 1980’s. Cadillac looks forward to resuming the development of this project.