Xmet Inc. (TSX-V:XME) President Stephen Stewart Details a Busy 2014 at the Blackflake Project in Ontario
Jan. 29, 2014 03:00AM PST
Battery MetalsXmet Inc. (TSXV:XME) President, Stephen Stewart, talks about the Blackflake Project in Ontario, located near the eastern and the northwestern margins of Zenyatta’s Albany project.
Xmet Inc. (TSXV:XME) President, Stephen Stewart, spoke to Resource Investing News at the Vancouver Resource Investment Conference about its Blackflake Project in Ontario, located near the eastern and the northwestern margins of Zenyatta’s Albany project. In 2014, investors can expect a busy six months ahead, starting with line cutting, an IP survey, and a drill program. Permitting is underway, with permits expected to be in place in early February.
Xmet is a exploration company focused on advanced projects in existing mining camps in Canada where exploration and mining costs are minimized and where previous and historic producing mines make for much easier permitting.