Metallica Minerals Drills First Graphite-focused Hole at Esmerelda
Metallica Minerals Ltd. (ASX:MLM) announced that it’s completed the first graphite-focused drill hole at its Esmerelda graphite project in Queensland.
Metallica Minerals Ltd. (ASX:MLM) announced that it’s completed the first graphite-focused drill hole at its Esmerelda graphite project in Queensland.
As quoted in the press release:
Based on visual observations, drill hole WD001 intersected more than 120 metres of graphite mineralisation from a depth of 68 metres. The hole ended in mineralisation at a depth of 189 metres.
Visual inspection of the core suggests that the majority of the core potentially contains >10% graphite, with significant portions exhibiting grades indicative of >20% graphite.
The second hole (WD002) in the two-hole program, located about one kilometre from WD001, commenced drilling on 3 November 2015 and is targeting similar graphite minerlisation.
Initial assays for the two holes are expected towards the end of November.
Click here to read the full Metallica Minerals Ltd. (ASX:MLM) press release.