Potash West Managing Director Patrick McManus Talks Potash in Australia and Germany

Potash Investing

Potash West (OTC:PWNNY,ASX:PWN) Managing Director, Patrick McManus, provided an update on the Dandaragan Trough Project in Western Australia and potash projects in Germany: “the feasibility on the Dinner Hill Project within the Dandaragan Trough is progressing; we should be announcing an updated resource on that within the next two to three months. In addition to that, the German project, specifically the Küllstedt project area has a large amount of drilling on it in the last several decades – we are currently reviewing that and we expect to be announcing an update of that drilling work within the next month.”

Potash West (OTC:PWNNY,ASX:PWN) Managing Director, Patrick McManus, spoke to the Investing News Network at the 2015 PDAC conference in Toronto about the Dandaragan Trough Project in Western Australia, specifically the Dinner Hill phosphate deposit. In January 2015, Potash West announced a financial evaluation on Dinner Hill which assumed the production of single superphosphate in a standalone plant for the first 5 years of operation.

Potash West also has interests in potash projects in Germany, which, Mr. McManus says, “both of these projects are in areas of very low sovereign risk, very strong rule of law.”

In 2015, Mr. McManus says that “the feasibility on the Dinner Hill Project within the Dandaragan Trough is progressing; we should be announcing an updated resource on that within the next two to three months. In addition to that, the German project, specifically the Küllstedt project area has a large amount of drilling on it in the last several decades – we are currently reviewing that and we expect to be announcing an update of that drilling work within the next month.”

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