EPM Mining Ventures Inc. Provides Update on Preliminary Feasibility Study
EPM Mining Ventures Inc. (TSXV:EPK,OTCQX:EPKMF) announced an update on its Preliminary Feasibility Study for its Sevier Playa Project in southwestern Utah. The estimated completion date of the PFS remains mid-2013 with a Definitive Feasibility Study expected by the end of the year.
As quoted in the press release:
Norwest has completed a new resource estimate that will be included as part of the PFS. CH2 and its engineering support teams have made significant progress in design, engineering, and process work for the PFS in the following areas:
- The hydrology and hydrophysical field-testing that were being carried out by CH2 and Colog is now complete.
- Process works is advancing and a fully developed flow sheet is expected soon.
- Laboratory evaporation testing of the Project brine is nearing completion by Hazen Research, Inc.
- Production plant design, trans-load facility design, and site surveys are almost finalized with 3-D design also nearing completion.
- Development of a comprehensive financial model and detailed economic analysis showing anticipated capital and operating costs.
AAI continues work on the Sevier Playa system (“System”) and is nearing completion of the following:
- Analysis of data from the hydrogeological and hydrophysical field-testing program.
- Preparation of hydrogeological models of the System.
- Finalizing the design and capital cost estimates for the ponds, well fields, and trenches; and
- Completing their Reserve model.
As part of its brine modeling efforts, the Company hired Dr. Woodruff Miller, PhD, professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering at Brigham Young University, to prepare a fresh water evaporation study of the Sevier Playa. Dr. Miller has produced a model that incorporates data from class-A pan evaporation studies; data from the various meteorological stations in the area; and data from the meteorological station being operated by EPM’s indirect wholly-owned subsidiary, Peak Minerals Inc., at the south end of the Sevier Playa. Dr. Miller will continue his work over the coming months by incorporating new class-A pan evaporation data and additional and on-going data from meteorological stations. His initial report has been filed with the Company, confirming estimates of water evaporation used previously in the pond-flow process model.
EPM Mining Chief Executive Officer Lance D’Ambrosio said:
We have taken significant steps toward completion of our PFS and are very satisfied with what we are seeing so far. We look forward to releasing the economic results of our PFS next month with the technical report following shortly thereafter.
Click here to read the EPM Mining Ventures Inc. (TSXV:EPK,OTCQX:EPKMF) press release
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