Dollar Bonds Draw Potash as Sales Accelerate to Record Pace
Bloomberg reports that Canadian borrowers from Potash Corp. (CVE:POT) of Saskatchewan Inc. to Talisman Energy Inc. (TSE:TLM) are selling U.S. dollar debt at a record pace as the difference in yields between the two nations evaporates.
Bloomberg reports that Canadian borrowers from Potash Corp. (TSXV:POT) of Saskatchewan Inc. to Talisman Energy Inc. (TSX:TLM) are selling U.S. dollar debt at a record pace as the difference in yields between the two nations evaporates.
The market news is quoted as saying:
Investors have bought $40 billion of investment-grade debt issued by Canadian companies this year, almost double from the corresponding period in 2009, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. The bonds account for 5 percent of sales in the U.S., up from 2 percent last year, the data show.